Search Engine Results Page is a list generated by Search Engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. SEM or Search Engine Marketing is the purchase of sponsored positions on Search Engine Results Pages for searches that include particular words or phrases. These purchases are also defined by geography. For instance: users in New York State searching for “medical school.”

EMP allows you to maximize your investment in SEM by creating an SEM Inquiry Form to use as the “landing page” from the link within the search results. SEM Forms are based on the Primary Inquiry Form*. Each SEM Form has a unique web-address and each can be referenced as a Source when building Groups of Students.

Graphics, text and the information collected on the SEM Form are customized for the audience using the particular search words/phrases.

SEM Forms are named for their use with Search Engine Marketing. However, they can be useful for any Marketing efforts in any medium. SEM Forms can be generated for outdoor, print, broadcast or online promotion. SEM Forms can also be used for event marketing and can include registration for an event.