You can utilize and customize your viewbook pages to meet the informational and aesthetic standards for your school’s microsites by using Viewbook Page Templates.

The Viewbook Template Menu

The Viewbook Template Menu, accessible through the Content dropdown in the EMP Toolbar, is a descriptive breakdown of all presently available Viewbook Templates from which you can assemble Viewbook pages. The Menu displays the following information, column by column:

Name: The name of the template. Clicking on the name will launch the Viewbook Template Editor where you can make adjustments to the template.

Left Column: A list of the widgets available in the Left column of the template. This column features the Navigation tabs by default and is typically where Rep Information is displayed. NOTE: This column is optimized to display information at a width of 275 px.

Center Column: A list of the widgets available in the Center column of the template. This column typically features the main information of the page and offers the widest dimensions. NOTE: This column is optimized to display information at a width of 500 px.

Right Column: A list of the widgets available in the Right column of the template. This column typically features supplemental information, checklists and forms. NOTE: This column is optimized to display information at a width of 275 px.

Actions: Controls that allow you to Edit, Copy, or Delete a template.

Creating a new page using an existing template:

  1. Navigate to the Content dropdown in the EMP Toolbar and select the Viewbook menu item.
Content then Viewbook.png

2. Click the Add a Page (+) button to open the page creation model.

3. Title your page as it will appear in the PURL navigation in the Label area and click Save. This will bring you to the Viewbook Template menu.

page information.png

4. Review your template options and, if an appropriate template is available, select it. You can then begin adding information through the available widgets as you typically would for a page build.

Creating a new template:

  1. Navigate to the Content dropdown in the EMP Toolbar and select the Viewbook Templates menu item.
viewbook templates.png

2. On the Viewbook Template menu, click the New Template button at the top right of the screen.

3. Insert a Name for the template and use the widget menu in each column to create the new template.

4. When you are done, click Create Template to save your new template. It can be edited at any time.

Editing an existing template:

  1. Navigate to the Content dropdown in the EMP Toolbar and select the Viewbook Templates menu item.
viewbook templates.png

2. Find the Viewbook Template that you wish to edit and click the Edit (pencil) icon to the right of the column.

3. This will bring you to the Viewbook Template editor for the template that you would like to edit, featuring the widgets that are a component of the template.

4. Edit the page by Adding, Deleting or Moving widgets.

5. When you have completed your edits, click Update Template to save the edited template. It can be edited further at any time.

A note on editing Templates: Editing templates that are currently in use may disrupt the pages already using those templates. For instance, deleting a widget from a template will delete that widget – and the information that it is displaying – for all templates. The same goes for re-ordering templates. If you would like to make edits to in-use templates without changing the look of current pages, make a Copy of the template in the Viewbook Templates Action column and edit that.