If a student has registered for an event and any detail of their registration—number of guests, date, timeslot—need to be adjusted, you can do this easily through EMP. You can also delete the registration.

To edit or delete an event registration:

1. Go to the Student Record page by searching for their name in the Search for Students bar.

2. Click on Registered Events in the tab at the top of the record:

Clicking on any of these tabs will immediately jump you to that portion of the Student Record page without having to scroll.

3. This will bring you to the Registered Events portion of the record. All events that this student has registered for, past and future, are viewable in this field. You can review the number of guests and whether or not that student attended at a glance. In order to edit the information, click the Edit icon (the small black pencil):

4. Clicking Edit will bring up the following dialog, in which any necessary adjustments, based on information collected at registration, can be made:

5. Once edits have been made, click Signup to commit them to the record.

6. If you would like to delete the registration, simply click the Trashcan icon next to the Edit icon.